School Agriculture Policy

The School Agriculture Programme will be mainly focused on the following:-
  1. Vegetable Gardening
  2. Poultry
  3. EM Preparation
  4. Mushroom Cultivation.
1. Vegetable Gardening.
  • The Agriculture Coordinator will divide the land into 4 equal parts and distribute to the respective houses on lucky dip basis.
  • The students of Class IX and XI of the four houses will be engaged in vegetable gardening.
  • The house masters will be involved in supervising the work and maintaining the record of each student’s working habit and attendance.
  • The vegetable gardening for the houses will take place during the Saturdays. However, the respective houses may find suitable work time to bring about good harvest.
  • The harvest products deposited in the school mess and the total monetary accumulated will be accounted for the house wise competition in vegetable gardening.
  • The price of the products will be fixed by the Principal, Vice Principal, house mistress and the Co-coordinator for the harvested products of the garden.
  • The price of the products will be little lower than the actual market prices.
  • Points will be awarded to the house for the best product in the agriculture activities.
  • Cash prize will be awarded to the best overall house wise performances. The amount will depend on the income generated from that particular academic year.
  • A separate plot will be reserved by the Agriculture Club for the practical and demonstration purposes.
  • The Agriculture Club members will work in the field during the club time, i.e. on Wednesdays and even during other times, if deemed necessary.
3. School Poultry.
  • The Agriculture club will maintain the poultry for the educational and income generation purpose. The selected group of students from the Agriculture Club will look after the poultry.
  • Feeding, collecting, selling the eggs and maintaining the daily records of the products will be solely maintained by the concerned members.
  • The proper maintenance and cleanliness of the poultry shed will be conducted while collecting the eggs on a daily basis by the selected members.
  • The price of the eggs will be determined by the market price.
  • At the end of each month, the account must be submitted to the Coordinator whereby who will enter in the stock register and deposit the cash in the bank.
  • The poultry feed will be purchased from a nearby Karma Feed Agent.
  • During the winter vacation, the task of feeding, collection and selling the eggs will be entrusted to the school caretaker.  The accounts will be submitted to the Coordinator after the school resumes.
4. Mushroom Cultivation
  • There will be separate group of students nominated for the mushroom cultivation which will be conducted on Saturdays during SUPW.
  • The club must try to cultivate the mushroom twice a year depending upon the availability of mushroom spawn received from the NMC, Semtokha.
  • The cultivation & caring of the mushroom, harvesting, selling and maintaining of the account will be done by the students concerned.
  • The price of the product will be determined by the market price.
5. EM preparation.
  • There will be two students nominated for the preparation of EM.
  • There will be continuous supply of EM in the store for the daily use.
  • To promote the health and sanitation of the school, the EM solution will be made available to the school toilets on the following days:
a. Monday
b. Wednesday
c. Saturday.
The school will collect the EM from NSSC, Simtokha as and when required.
A fishery tank has been constructed with the aid from S.A.P in the year 2009. The agriculture coordinator has started the program with 6000 fingerlings. We are expecting to harvest for the first time in Sept 2010. So far the program is running well. We expect to give full support to this program and make it sustainable.


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