
The various committee coordinators and members will be formed during the planning session in the beginning of the academic session each year.  The coordinators and members may change with the reason to render the opportunity for others to experience or same members could continue owing to the good performances, which in turn must contribute immensely to the strong School Management and Administration.  The changes may also occur with the transfers of teachers as well as because of new appointments.  As far as possible, the right people for the right job and committee will be maintained.
There will also be the need to do away with one or two ineffective committees or even addition of a new committee based on the need of the school or beneficial to the students/school as a whole.  The following will be the main committees and members:

1. SDF Committee

- Principal (Chairman)
- Student Affair Head (Coordinator)
- Academic Head
- Senior Teacher
- Staff Secretary
- School Captains (1 Boy + 1 Girl)
- Office Assistant
- Sports Coordinator

2. Admission Committee:

- Principal
- Vice Principals
- Class Teacher concerned
- Staff Secretary

3. Student Support Service Committee:

- Principal
- Vice Principals
- Class Teacher Concerned
- Staff Secretary
- Guidance Counselor

4. Cultural Committee:

- Vice Principals
- Cultural Coordinator
- Assistant Cultural Coordinator

5. Literary Committee:

- Literary Coordinators

6. Games & Sports Committee:

- Games Coordinator
- Different Games Coordinators.

7. Maintenance Committee:

- Vice Principal
- Multi Skilled Instructor
- Multi Skilled Worker

8. Examination Committee:

- Academic Head
- Exam Coordinator
- Assistant Exam Coordinators

9. Health & Sanitation Committee:

- Health Coordinators
- Class Teachers
- Health Captains (1 B + 1 G)

10. Buildings/Furniture In charge:

- Student Affair Head
- Store In charge
- Class Teachers concerned.

11. Agriculture Committee:

- SAP Coordinator
- SAP Assistant
- House Masters

12. School Calendar and Time table Committee:

- Academic Head
- ICT Coordinator
- Time Table Coordinators

13. Choethen Tshogpa:

- Student Affair Head
- Staff Secretary
- A Support staff

14. School Canteen Committee:

- Student Affair Head
- Staff Secretary
- Health Coordinator
- SAP Coordinator
- Teacher Appointed

15. GNH Committee:

- Academic Head
- GNH Coordinator
- Counselor
- Teacher Appointed

16. Disaster Management Committee:

- Disaster management Focal Person
- Staff Secretary
- Teacher Appointed


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