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A Visit to Wangdue Court

Laws are made to keep peace and treat every one with sameness in the country. All citizens irrespective of position, religion and caste must be governed by it. If every citizen is to know laws then starting to learn from school days is a best option. Starting 2012, on the initiative of Her Royal Highness Ashi Sonam Dechen Wangchuk, School Law Club was started in three schools of Punakha HSS, Ugyen Academy HSS and Bajothang HSS coinciding with the...

What is this i-School all about?

Kailash Shongbhen Rai. M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry), B.Sc. PGCE, PGCTIS,    ANC. Bajothang Higher Secondary School. H onorable Prime Minister, His Excellency Tshering Tobgye envisaged an ICT enabled knowledge generating, educated citizens in our society, at par with anyone current, progressive and productive. The result; i-School project was conceived, designed and devised with-in a very short gestation...


Our School is one of the six schools selected for piloting iSchool Project in Bhutan. Tendruk Higher Secondary School, Khasadrapchu Middle Secondary School, Khututhang Middle Secondary School, Phuntsholing Middle Secondary and Pelkhil School are the other school connected, with Pelkhil as the center. The project was launched formally on 29th March 2014 by Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay in Pelkhil and the participating schools took part...

Report: International Women's Day Celebration

 8th March is internationally celebrated as the “International Women’s Day”. It is an important occasion for all of us to pause for a moment to reflect on ourselves, to appreciate how much has been done and what more needs to be done in the field of gender equality. Moreover, it is the day to acknowledge all the men and women in the world for making this world a better place for everyone to live in.  On the day, we have organized a...

Democracy at Work in School

For the First time in Bajothang the selection of captain goes truly democratic. This Election of Captains in school is the initiative of School Democracy Club headed by Ms. Sangay Lhaden and Chaired by Principal Shangkar Lal. The event became very popular among the students, which is evident from the trending on social media. There was overwhelming activity on our Facebook Page where the pictures of naminees were posted. And the event is reported by four Students bloggers: "Today’s election was like the real election as all the e-voting machines...

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